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Monday, August 08, 2005


Do you ever feel like something new and exciting is just around the corner? Well I rarely ever feel this way. I am usually am pretty joyful, happy girl, but I think I try to stay content with the present. I don't usually feel expectant for anything unless I know it's coming. Well this is a totally new feeling for me. I have this feeling that something great is coming to me soon. I know that is vague, but the feeling is vague. I just know something is coming. It is so fun to feel like this, hope bubbling around me. But if anyone of you reading this knows me, you know I am also structured and like to have a plan for most things. So as you can imagine this not knowing, but knowing can drive me a little nuts. I mean how do you plan for the unknown. And there lies the big lesson for me. It's a little freeing to not be able to plan for the unknown, I can't call anyone, I can't schedule it, I can't write it on my daily calendar, I just have to let it come. I do feel ready though. Isn't that odd. How can I be ready without planning? As you can see I think God is really showing me how in control he is. I am thankful that he has given me this "warning" feeling, cause it is totally helping in the midst of hardship right now. I like having something to look forward to, even if I have no clue what it is.

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