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Saturday, May 13, 2006

30 and Flirty!

Today I am 30! That is so crazy to me. I mean CRAZY. It's so crazy I am eating at a restraunt called LOCO- which in Spanish means crazy. I don't feel 30, well I am not sure what your suppose to feel at 30 but I feel like I did at 25. Confused, hopeful, naive a bit, and ready for something new. My body feels 55, but that's not new either. I am excited about this year. I was talking to God this morning before I got a bed, letting him know some things I would like to happen this year in my life, and it felt very hopeful, it wasn't a desperate plea, just something like "I think I am ready for these things to happen, what do you think?" Well I guess we will see what happens this year.
At my birthday I also like to look at the past year and all in all it was a pretty good year. I am thankful for many things and I want to express my appreciation at this time. First of all I am thankful to the Lord for drawing me closer to him and loving me when loving me might of been challenging. He has given me so many things, a Great Church!, a Great family, Great friends, and even a new job. Yeah God! I want to thank my brother Jim and sister-n-law Christie for being my best friends. I love them so much and they have made the last year fun and have listened to me complain and helped me to figure out things when I could not see things clearly. They are so supportive, oh and they gave me a beautiful new neice, so I guess they get a few brownie points for that. A few highlights of our past year together would be
1. Nashiville with Jim - that was so fun!!! Ya'all It was so great for my brother to meet a group of people that I love so much!
2. Cedar Point - Again so much fun!!!!
3. Champions on Ice with Christie - I know a little cheesy, but I love those figure skaters, and the show was great!
4. Piston game with Jim, I love Ben and it's alway great to find someone who appreciates that!
5. All the movie nights - I can always count on Jim and Christie to watch a great movie with me, at home or out!
6. And last but definatly not least, Loving on Maya!!!!!!!
I would also like to thank my home group! They are the coolest people you will ever meet and I am so lucky to have all of you. Spending this year with you every Wed has been so great. I never liked Wed till all of you came along, now it's one of my favorite days!!!!
My parents are amazing too and love on me so much. As much as I would like to live on my own soon, I am enjoying living with them. They are super fun and good to me.
My Nashville gang are some of the most supporting friends ever. They continue to challenge me in my walk with the Lord and that is so awesome. They also know how to have a good time. I love visiting all of you.
I know I didn't list everyone I would be here forever but (Amy, Jim and Megan, Jenny and family, Katt, Melissa, Rick, Carrie, Rob and Maddie, SOTW gang, Borders Nashville gang, I love you all and you make my love so full)
Thanks for a great year and I hope all of you will be a part of this great year ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessica, you are the best sister-in-law, and friend. I am so glad we're all back in the same city. You're a super aunt to Maya, too (and Junior). Thank you for being there for us.