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Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Years Resolutions are taboo...

and I usually don't make them since "the man" tells us to make them, and I am a little rebellious. But this year I am making some. I really need to get in shape and lose some weight. I have been just about to start Yoga for like 5 months. I bought a DVD player for the sole reason of doing Yoga. I have turned on my DVD player once and it was to watch Emma and not do Yoga. So Yoga is number 1 on the list. Also, I used to be really good at mailing letters to friends. I am so bad at this. I bought my friend Deanna's daughter the cutest outfit that I never sent and that she has already outgrown, sorry De. I mean that is pitiful. I used to write these beautiful letter and send the cutest cards, I mean who doesn't like mail, the real mail that comes written on paper by hand. My third and final resolution is to read my Bible more. I have to say that I am getting better at this, but there is always room to grow.
I think resolutions are good if they are productive. I mean resolutions are really just goals and everyone needs goals.
So what are your resolutions?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am the Tree

This is such an amazing article!!! BWC : The Reject Tree

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finding Christmas

I think working in retail has made me realize what Christmas really is and what we as a culture have turned it in too. I think without working in retail for so many Christmas seasons it would be fine and dandy to go to the mall and do Christmas shopping, and sit and have a chai latte and a muffin, enjoy the Christmas music over the speaker and laugh as the children pull Santa's beard. But if you work at the mall you get a whole different perspective.
Today I saw the shipment of Easter books that has come in. Yes, I said Easter. Jesus hasn't even been born and we are already mourning his death and celebrating his Resurrection. Seeing Christmas stuff since August kind of makes you immune to the season. You forget it's Christmas until your mom calls you to make plans for Christmas dinner.
After a few years of this I think I have disassociated Christmas with red and green and Santa Claus. I have become cynical and find all of that to be ways to suck my hard earned dollar out of my wallet. Instead I find Christ in Christmas. Imagine that. Really, I have made myself stop and slow down and think about what the birth of the Savior means to me and the rest of the world. I think of the Joy, Peace, Hope and Love Jesus brings to me. And I say thank you.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Leaning in

I am Leaning in
holding on to the unseen
wrapping myself around you

I am Leaning in
remembering your birth
and the hope you bring

I am Leaning in
listening to your whispers
feeling your presence

I am Leaning in
hopeful for your coming
living in the kingdom

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have one more week of school for the quarter. I did pretty good at posting until the last few weeks. Life got a little ridiculous. It's been good though. I had my intesive last week and it was on Missions. I learned that I am not called to the Muslim world, unless you count the Detroit area. Actually there are more people of Arabic nationally in the Detroit area then anywhere outside of the Arab world. True, very true.
I feel like this time has been really great and I am really excited to be learning so much. It makes me feel more sure about this plan for my life. I have had some time to work with people outside of church doing different projects like the pumpking give- away I organized and me and my friend Rebecca have been working on making new relationships and connections with people in the community and I have met some really great people. I love this part the most. I love pushing myself to connect with people that maybe in my daily encounters I wouldn't.
My last personality test told me that I really like people, yup it's true.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Personality Test

This week we had to take Meyer/Briggs Personality test. I don't mind those things. Sometimes I am not really sure how to answer because I do things different depending on what mood I am in. Yeah that showed in the test. There are four categories and I was on the border of 2 of them, so I have like 6 different personality options. Yeah, I know I have a split personality disorder. No really I think I just can't be put in a box. The two categories I was for sure Etrovert and feeling. I am not a thinker according to Meyer/Briggs (who happen to be a mother daughter team) The other two categories Intuition/sensory and Perceptive/Judging I can go either way. After reading the descriptions I lean more toward ESFJ. I am a nurturer. I already knew that. But now it's real I guess.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Discipline is infectious?

So yesterday I had to write a 4 paragraph essay on what a simplified life means and how what I have learned about simplification has challenged me. My whole year has been about simplification. Really the Lord has been speaking to me major about this. I realized a while ago that I always thought it was important to have nice things, even if I never said that I felt that way, I did. So I have been working on my attitude and what it means to simplify. So I carry around this list of 10 ways to simplify or something like that by Richard Foster and I read them often.
Today this guy at work was talking and I was on the phone so I only heard the end of his conversation about how he is trying to simplify his life by making his yes mean yes and no mean no. And how we need to simplify our language. Oh my goodness, that is what Foster says! Me so giddy, says I just wrote a paper on that yesterday. I am working on the same things. I carry this list around, do you want to read it? My friend says sure and I hand it to him and his jaw drops. "I was just looking on the internet for this and told Jim (the guy sitting next to him) that my pastor spoke on this and I need to find it. I couldn't find it." "Really?" I say. Our friend Elya says I want that list too, it sounds good. Before you know it we were all discussing what it means to simplify our lives to make room for the Lord. What? I work with a brand new Christian, a Jewish guy and a leary Catholic. God moves in mysterious ways, and who would thought it would be by giving up stuff and living a more simple life. We had about 20 minutes of confession and all decided we wanted to work on some of these things. WOW!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mid Terms

I had my first test for VLI today. I was super nervous, but I think I did pretty good. I wanted to study more than I had time for. But in general I was pretty proud of myself for actually putting time into it when I had time available. I also kept a pretty good attitude about the test portion of the class.
Yesterday I had to lead a servant leadership project. My church is really great at reaching out to the community. Once a month we go to a mobile home community and hand out groceries. Yesterday me and my sister -n -law , niece and my friend Rebecca went and handed out pumpkins and candy. It seems kind of minimal to hand out pumpkins. But the smiles on the kids faces made it all worth while. Even some of the adults were really excited to receive a gift from us. We also got to talk to people and pray for some. One guy really felt like the Lord has been using us to speak love to him. It was a great time even if it did rain the whole time.
I am not sure if I would of done this project on my own if I didn't have to think of something. But now that I did it, I really want to continue to walk in this. It was a very neat time and cost little money and took 1 hour of my time. But the Lord used our willingness. I challenge you to think of creative ways to reach out to people in your community and let me know so I can bum some of your ideas!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


My mind is on overload. We just finished our intensive weekend with 3 days of classes. It was a lot. I am really excited about a lot of what I am learning and will definately be unloading it soon. I have been talking about a lot of it in my daily life. I am teaching anyone who will listen about bibical history. Suprisingly a lot of people listen.
This isn't much of a blog but I am so exhausted and it's like 80 degress here and it is Oct 21! I live in Michigan, really this is crazy. And who says there no such thing as global warming? I am not suppose to have fuzzy hair in October for goodness sake. Fall is my favorite time of year, and there is none! Ahh!
So anyway I will be posting more soon about Matthew Mark and good old Dr. Luke.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Study Day

So yesterday felt like I was back in school again. Rebecca who is my dear friend and is in the program with me came over and we spent the entire day except for a Target run studying. It was good. I didn't hate it. That's a lot for me. I was never much into school and homework. It was so much better to have a study partner.

This place where I am at in my life is making me process things a little more deeply, hence the last poem. You may be seeing more of things like that. I process a lot through writing and coversation, so why not process through blogging. It's good though. I feel like the Lord is revealing things. It's hard too, not sure sometimes what to do with it all, except pray. I am not sure why we say except pray, becuase it should be first and not a last resort, but as a doer who wants to fix things, praying seems to take time. There is a lot of waiting and listening before answers are shown and well I'm American and I like answers in 5 minutes. Wow, not sure where all that came from, probably lack of sleep.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Standing Still

I can smile half way with a twinkle that makes me look unsure
you are knowing
knowing I am afraid of what this could be
about how I will react
or not act
and I turn away instead of leaving with you
and you are knowing
knowing I am afraid of more
afraid you might like the heart
and then how do I leave
I haven't had enough practice leaving
at least not when I want to stay

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Holy Obedience

I have been reading A Testament of Devotion: Books: Thomas R. Kelly and at first I had a hard time with some of the ideas. And then I got to the chapter about obedience. Fun stuff. Not really, but it all made so much sense at that point. Kelly talks about getting to this point where you are constinetly in the presence of God. I thought that was impossible, and then I started reading about obedience. Kelly says "But when such a commitment comes in a human life, God breaks through, miracles are wrought, world-renewing divine forces are released, history changes." I believe this. I believe if we were all to be commited to being obedient miracles would happen and people would come to Christ and history would change. It's a huge thing to be obedient, it's really hard because I am so selfish, but I want to listen and be at that place where I let God speak to me all the time and better yet I obey. I am starting small, as Bob says in What about Bob (the best movie ever) Baby Steps. We all have to start somewhere. But I want to see how being obedient can change the world. I think God wants to use us for amazing things, and we want the ordinary. Probablly because it's safe and easy. I am praying for God to make me ready for the amazing.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Baby Likes Cake!

My year of practice

This weeks teaching at VLI was about practicing the disciplines of faith. There are many versions of what those disciplines are and the teacher discussed in great length what each meant and how they effect our lives. Different theologians and writers and teachers have compiled different list. They are generally private disciplines that you do on your own like prayer and fasting and then there are public disciplines that you do as a body or group like worship and fellowship. All of the disciplines are important and worth practicing, but the main thing I am learning is the art of practice itself.

This year as a home group we have been talking about the disciplines as described by Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline. Each month we talk about one and then we practice it. Each month trying to practice the discipline is challenging. I guess that is why they call it a discipline. But Richard did put the word Celebrate in the title. I know that eventually after a lot of practice some of the disciplines become natural and are more of a celebration, just like anything you practice for a long time. I am learning the spiritual disciplines are a lot like physical excercise and sports, music, relationships: all the things that take practice in life. Some people are natural at things and others are not but either way to be great you have to practice. If you are learning how to play the oboe for example (I chose the oboe because it is fun to say) you wouldn't expect to be great at it in one month even if you have played another wind instrument, but especially if you have never played any instrument. But for some reason I think that since I read how to be submissive or simplify my life and I know the benefits I should be great at it right away. No, it's not like that. It takes practice and failing and trying angain and getting a little better and trying again and getting a little better. It's good for me to keep the perspective that it takes practice to be disciplined and it's worth learning how to perserve and keep working on them and knowing that the practice part is just as valuable at the performing well part.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ready, Set, Go

Sunday was like running a marathon, although I have never ran in a marathon so I am not really sure it was like running in a marathon, but it took a lot of endurance and is what I would imagine running in a marathon might be like. I started the morning walking 5k in the AIDS WALK DETROIT which isn't far, but for me it's a workout. Then my church hosted a BBQ which I organized so I was trying to help everyone there and clean up. After the BBQ I started my first day of class at VLI. It was just orientation, so I don't have much profound to say about it yet. After class I went home made dinner and watched the Emmys. Yes I watched all of it. I am a sucker. It was a long day.

I spent a lot of time organzing a team and a BBQ for the AIDS WALK. I was expecting a lot and was let down. I shouldn't of been, because a lot of great things happened. People walked for a great cause and 9 great people from my church joined the walk. We had a great BBQ and some people from the walk came and we got to talk to them and share a chili dog. I am realizing I have great expectations for the church. Not just my church, but the church in general. I want them to care about the same things I care about, I want them to be passionate about the same things I am passionate about and when that doesn't happen, I get really bumbed and start thinking critically. I want the church to do great things, I want us to step up to the plate and create community in places that aren't so pretty or maybe are uncomfortable. I want these things and I know I need to start with me. I know that I need to start with my heart and well there is a lot of room for growth. I want to be courageous and generous at the same time. I am praying for that.

That is week one, and I know it has nothing to do with class or anything that I read but it is what I am processing now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So along with school I have committed to blogging once a week about what I am learning, what God is working on in me, and how the lack of sleep is effecting my life. I am sure I will slack from this during mid-term and finals but I hope to keep it up in general. I am hoping to spark up thought provoking conversation, so please feel free to respond truthfully to any of my post. I know you don't have to go to Bible school to come up with thought proving conversation, well that is unless you are me. No, I just think this will be a good creative way for me to process what I am learning and maybe give some insight or food for thought or learn something new from others. Sunday is my first day of school, so expect something next week.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

My so called Life

So I start school in two weeks. Didn't know I was going back? Yeah I am. "What for" you say. Well I am doing a Bible program vineyard leadership institute through my church for two years and then I will enter a program at Sinai Grace for 6 months to become a chaplain. No not like Charlie Chaplain, but a chaplain in a hospital. I am excited about this. I know this is God's plan for me.
Right now I have been working on organizing my team at church for the AIDS Walk Detroit - Home. If you would like to sponsor me that would be fabulous. If you are walking in the walk come to First Baptis Royal Oak after for a kickin BBQ that we are also sponsoring.
I am going to be an Aunt again. I am super excited about that. I love being an Aunt. I love my Maya. She is the cute baby to the right.
So I apologize for not being better at this blogging stuff. I am twitting though. So you can alway check that out at Twitter.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Whatch you doin

Check out what I'm doin Twitter

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I am alive

Sorry I have been away for so long. I am on the computer all day at work so when I come home all I do is check my email, and I don't even do that everyday anymore. But my brother is going to create a new blog site for me soon, one I can keep up with at work. Yahoo!
I went to Nashville and had so much fun. I unfortunatly don't have pictures. My friends Charlie, Cassie and Marko were super hosts. I stayed with them on the lake. It was so relaxing and fun that I had a hard time driving back home. My friend Kristina and her husband Jason hosted a lovely BBQ where we played the most fun party game ever! Oh and I went to BB Kings! and Loveless 2 times. Because once is never enough when it comes to super biscuits and jam.
Not too much going on here in MI. I am going to be taking Viola lessons! I used to play in junior high school. I am very excited. I am enjoying the summer as much as possible. I have been to the lake a few times, hopefully will go a few more.
So I know this post was kind of boring but I have to catch up first before I can get deep again. It's like seeing a friend that you haven't seen for years, you can't just jump to what's going on deep in your soul. You have to re-familiarize yourselves with one another. This is what this post is. Yea, whatever.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'd rather be whistling in the dark

So I work on a computer all day and by time I get home I check my email and that is it and sometimes I check my email every other day. This is a huge change for me. I would blog all the time if I could access my blog at work but this site is blocked. You know I have some very borderline material on my blog. My work has been in a blocking mood lately so when I am not talking to crazy angry people on the phone I read a lot of Wikipedia. My favorite site this week is Prince (musician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. They even have the icon for his name in the same size font as the rest of the letters. I need a symbol. Can one of you graphic design people work on that for me, and make it in the same size as a 12 point font so I can use it in correspondance.

I am going to Nashville in less than 2 weeks. I am so excited. I am going to see some of my favorite people in the whole wide world. I am also going to be eating at Loveless Cafe. I can't wait to eat some buscuits and jam!

Sunday I will be 31. I am getting old. I don't feel like 31. I am not sure what 31 is suppose to feel like, but I don't feel like it. I feel 19. I guess that is the upside to not being married, not having kids and living with your parents. I do feel pretty happy with life though. I am not so worried about how my life should be like as much. God is releasing that in me. Yeah! I am really thankful for so many things. I have a great family, really they are so amazing. I have great friends, a great Church and I am feeling pretty good too. God is good. Oh and remember Sunday is not only my birthday but mother's day too. So give your mom a biss kiss and hug.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Free at Last!

Happy Easter! He is Risen! Yeah Jesus! Easter is so great! It is totally underated as a holiday. Jesus being born is great and reads Hope all over it, hope for being saved. But Easter is that hope fulfilled. Because Christ died and rose again we can now live! I think of Martin Luther King Jr when he said "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" That is what Easter is. We are free from sin, free from the bondage that holds us. Living in that freedom can be challenging, because it is a choice. This Easter I am choosing to live in Freedom!
Well I didn't mean to preach, it just came out. But it's so odd here in Michigan. Easter is a time of new life, spring is a time of new life, and well we have snow on the ground and it's like 30 degrees outside. Unreal. It's hard to remeber that it is Easter and not Christmas.
Well I wish you all a joyful and happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Random thoughts

There is somthing empowering about going to the movies on a Monday afternoon all by myself. I used to do this quite often when I worked at Borders and had Mondays off. Last Monday I went to the movies and saw Amazing Grace. It was an amazing movie! Ha! No, it was really good and worth the $5.50 matinee price.
I took Monday off because our family dog died on Sunday and I needed a day of morning. It's taking longer than a day though. It's been hard, harder than I remember the loss of any of our other dogs. It's hard to get used too.
The weather is changing! Whoohoo! It's getting warm out! I have been watching a lot of Discovery's Planet Earth which is amazing and with the weather changing all I can think about is how much easier life will be for penguins. I really need to complain less. Watching the life of Emperor Penguins makes all of my problems seem dumb. I watched Happy Feet with my parents and it was really acurate as far as how Penguins mate, and live life. Now if there is a dancing Penguin, I have no idea.
That was random, reminding me of a book I am reading by Anne Lamott who's son's favorite thing to say is, gosh that's random.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patricks day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I had a great St. Pat's day. Elisse had a really nice party with yummy shepherd's pie, with real mutton. We played party games like writing Irish blessing for one another. That was fun. And we read about St. Patrick. I am still unsure why drinking beer has anything to do with St. Patrick, but I'm not complaining just wondering. I made Irish Creme which is easy to make, and oh so delicious.
Life's been pretty good, oh except my back has been acting up. I got a sinus infection and tried to cure it on my own and well it ended up draining to my back. Yeah it's possible. Anyway my back went out and I am still a little sore. But work is good, been busy and that is good too.
Hope all of you had a great St. Patrick's day!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dreaming on my own

I am a day dreamer. Always have been. I mean I have worked really hard to try to " live in the moment" as they say, but I don't think I can do that all of the time. I mean when I am with people I enjoy the moment. But when I am at work or driving or laying in my bed half awake I am in another world. I am always thinking. I had a friend once tell me that is not normal to always be thinking. I can't imagine not always thinking.
God has been working out a lot of stuff in me lately and today I felt like he was talking to me about day dreaming. I usually day dream these great plans for my life. They change all the time. Most of the time they come from an unsatisfied place in my life and I am searching for something esle. I don't think that place is wrong. But the thing is, I have taken control over my dreaming. I have these ideas of what my life should look like and I never include or seek the dreams of what God wants for my life. There is a lot of fear in that. Seeking God for what he has for your life. Sometimes I think he doesn't have a plan for my life, this is it. And that scares me too. It all comes down to trust.
What does one do about this? Well I guess I begin to surrender. I would be totally lying if I said that I was going to give it all up to God, cause I know this isn't all up to me and I have to stop taking control of it and ask God to show me himself and his dreams for me.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar Bash...

Yeah, not really. I threw and Oscar viewing party but only my brother, sister-n-law, neice, and friend Josh came. Oh and my parents were here. But it was fun in a very relaxed way anyway. I made all kind of yummy Mexican dips. And I made a lemon pudding cake that was amazing!! And super easy if anyone wants the recipe, lemme know.
The best part about the Oscar night was filling out the ballet and keeping score of who got the most right. I had a strong start, like I got a lot of the technical awards right, but I stunk at the big awards like movie, and director, original song. I thought Babel was going to win, I didn't see it but it looked like it had all the right Oscar elements, International, race relations, said something about something, you know what I mean. Who would a thought that the mobster movie would of won in 2007, I thought those went out in the 80's, when it came to awards anyway.
Oh and my favorite dress was Gwenyth, she looked stunning in that earthy pink color and all the geometrics. Amazing, my second place was Kate Winslet, she looked beautiful as well.
Well that's my Oscar fun night!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Still Waiting

So my boyfriend Maxwell was suppose to release a special CD for me the day before Valentine's day to show his love for my loyalty to him, and well all I got was a message saying it's coming soon. Soon? When is soon? I have been waiting so long for this! Oh well I guess I will wait a little longer.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Single hearted Valentine

You know I think as a single person I celebrated Valentines Day more than my married and hooked up friends. I think as a single girl you don't want to feel left out of a holiday for lovers so you go out of your way and find all your other single friends and make a pact not to be alone and to do something fun and different. The people who are in love don't need to go out their way because love is enough. Maybe that's just how I perceive it anyway.
This year I decided that I didn't need to go out of my way either. I offered to babysit for my cousin and her husband so they could have the night out and I spent Valentines with my biggest fan, the person outside of my immediate family who loves me the most, yeah she's 2 1/2 but she thinks I am a rock star or something and that always feels good.
A holiday based around love seems like it should be more important than it is and be about than romance but what true love is, like serving one another and being patient and kind. I know we should be doing that stuff everyday but a day to got out of your way is always good.
So happy Valentines Day from one very loved single hearted girl!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bitter Cold

It's like 6 degrees here and it's bitter cold out. I think every year I say "I don't remember it being this cold" and every year I complain about how long the winters are here in Michigan. You would think I would get used to it, but instead I block it out and forget how bitter cold it really is. I have some friends who think it's so pretty here in the winter with the snow and the lakes and all that, it's nice for like 2 days.
Anyway the new job is going well. I wasn't sure if I would like it, listening to people complain on the phone all day, but so far I do like it. The day goes by really fast and some of the time I feel like I am helping someone out.
I have been dog sitting for the last two weeks while my parents lay on the beach in sunny Florida and then call and tell me how it was only 84 degrees out today. Poor Bubba pulled a muscle in one of his legs and is limping and crying. It's really sad. I took hime to the vet today, I felt like an adult. It's weird what things make you feel all grown up.
Yesterday Christie had a girls craft night. I love those nights. We decoupaged last night. It was fun. I made two cool cards and if you ever want someone to lead a craft night call Christie because she is really good at it.
Well that sums up the last few weeks, oh except I had my annual pizza party. This year it fell on my brother' birthday so we joined the two. It was a lot of fun, I think we had our best turn out yet.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Love Sick?

Why is when I am sick I get all emotional? I think this is a normal feeling, but why? I have this horrible cold, I can barely breathe, as Napolean Dynamite would say "It hurts real bad" anyway I think he said that, I am not really sure cause I can't really think straight. But back to my original point which I think went something like this, why when we are sick do we just want to be loved, or in love or both? I mean I guess we want someone to take care of us because we aren't feeling well, but why is our or at least my emotional state so heightened? Is there evidence to this sort of thing? I mean it's different than being in pain. I have been in some kind of physical pain on a daily basis for 10 years, and well I guess you just get used to it, but I get a little cold and I'm like a little baby. Weird. So today I lounged on my couch all day and totally fed the melacholy behavior by watching way too many episodes of Felicity. I have a weekness for young adult soap operas. I love them, especially when I am sick. Anyway I am rambling, I have to get up for work in a few hours so off to try to sleep I go.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Switched ON

Are there ever moments in your life when you feel like you're switched on? Like you are fully you and confident with that person and love being you? Well I think that is one of the reasons why I love Nashville. I have great friends there, and this time I made more great friends. It's so weird but when I was there this time I was fun and all the junk I have been carrying was gone. I was me, funny, loveable, a little sarcastic and raw, me. I felt hopeful and happy. It was so nice. I was a little afraid of coming home, like all the junk would just re-attach itself to me. The junk is trying to jump on board, all the hard responsibilities of life like illness, bills, new job, and so forth. But I am feeling grace. Steady grace. I am not freaking out, I am doing okay. I don't know if I am totally on, but I am at least awake. God is good.
Oh and I saw a really good movie this weekend, Curse of the Golden Flower. It's a Chinese movie with amazing cinematography and a really interesting but true storyline. I hate paying $9 for a movie, and don't think any movie is worth $9, but if you are wanting to go to the movies and are going to spend the $9 see this one, mostly becaue seeing it on the big screne will heighten the experience, and show off how beautiful this movie is.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

How I cut my toe getting a pedicure

I drove to Nashville, mostly because I like having my car when I am there. I drove for 9 1/2 hours, got there got dressed and went to my friend's bachelorette party. I then drove everyone home because I was sober. I was up for close to 24 hours. So the next day I met with my friend and the two other bridesmaids for our bridesmaid luncheon, it was super fancy and yummy. We then went to the fanciest nail salon in all of Nashville, it's where all the famous people go. So we were all getting pedicures, and I was relaxing in the leather chair with massagers, very nice as my feet were bathing in the little whirlpool and the nice asian lady was making my feet look pretty. Well I kept sliding down on the chair, I was trying to use my upper body to push my self up but it wasn't working. So I put my feet down in the tub, and pushed myself up, well I slipped and one of my toes went into the jets of the whirlpool. I know you are cringing right now. I didn't scream or cry, but when the lady lifted my toe she about freaked out because blood was gushing out all over, it looked like I cut my foot off. My friend (the bride to be) was sitting next to me and she looked over and yelled to the lady doing my feet "what happened" or something like that I don't really remember, but the lady said " I no do it, I no do it" I explained that it was all me. The nail lady was trying hard to stop the bleading, she did manage to get it too clot. It was super gross, and the best part was she painted the toe red like all the others, so it looked like she spilt a bottle of red nail polish on my toe. Because of the lack of sleep and loss of blood I and my friend Banning found this to be hillarious and laughed silly. I wabbled the rest of the weekend.
Yeah, I am always good for one embarrising crazy story a month. We were toasting and roasting my friend Kristina and her husband Jason at their rehersal dinner, and no one could think of any embarrising stories about Kris, and after I told her all of our stories are me doing something stupid and she reasuring me that no one noticed, or it's not that big a deal, or wabbling is cute.
I am just proud to provide entertainment to all.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Back

Well it's been a while since I posted. Christmas was very nice, it was my first Christmas as an Aunt and that was a lot of fun. Maya got lots of sweet kisses from me. After Christmas I went to Nashville for one of my dearest friends weddings. I stood up in it and wore a pretty red dress, I felt like a southern belle. I will have to post pics as soon as I have them. My Nashville trip was non stop, exhausting and super fun. I have some really good stories like how I almost cut my toe of getting a pedicure, oh and hillbillie Christians that live in the woods party a lot different that us city slickers, fun times though. It was a great trip, I made new friends and got to love on my old ones. It was hard coming home.
Oh I started a new job yesterday, more news on that too follow as well. I have to go study and am exhausted from the crazy week, but there will be another post soon, promise.