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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Being Created

This week I had a revelation from the Lord. It was so energetic to me. The Lord told me that he is still creating us. Sounds simple huh? For me, I guess in my mind it was like the Lord created me, I was born, he drew me to him and now I do my best to follow him. Sounds about right too? But I felt like the Lord said he never stopped creating me. It's this process of creation and it doesn't stop when your born. And amazing things happen when you let the Lord create. It's not easy for us because we are creatures of habit and get comfortable and find idenities in being something or another and God keeps creating. The Lord showed me that our idenity in him means that our idenity as a person is never the same because he is constantly working and if we are rooted in him we are moving and growing and changing. So it's okay to have growing pains, and be unsure sometimes about ourselves because it's part of being created.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chicken Fried Bacon

Only in Texas! I think this is illegal in some states.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I didn't know pets sweat!

And if they do why would you buy it in a bottle, I am thinking that this is lost in translation!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I finished the spring quarter! Not sure I did great on the final, but I did learn some stuff, so that's good. I am taking the summer quarter off. I am a little overwhelmed with life right now and am trying to set limits. I am coordingating the AIDS WALK event for my church again this year which is a big event and takes a lot of time and effort. I love this event though and am excited about it. I am also on the planning committee for a conference our church is hosting and I just took over leadership for the hospitality team at church. Not to mention I do have a job and a family. SO I have been busy. Busy is good, especially when you are doing things you love. I don't have an major summer plans, as you can see I will be too busy to go away but I am sure there will be little trips and activities.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thursday, June 05, 2008

David Sedaris is so funny!

Your new book has a painting by Vincent Van Gogh on the cover of a skeleton smoking a cigarette. How'd you pick that?
DAVID SEDARIS: I got a postcard of it when I was in Amsterdam. I kept that postcard for a long time, and I kept pulling it out and looking at it.

Did you go see the actual painting itself in Amsterdam?I like museum gift shops, not the museums themselves.

Because in the gift shop you can walk out with something. In the museum you can't. [Laughs] Anyway, I think people will be shocked to know that it's a Van Gogh painting. Best thing he ever did. Army bases don't want to carry the book, or don't want to display it. Because they think it's a joint the skeleton is smoking. The publisher at Little Brown had to explain to them that this was before joints. This is just what cigarettes looked like. What's funny is the idea, Oh, we don't want to corrupt those Army men. [Laughs raucously]

Song Writing

My friend Allie and I have been talking about writing a song together for months. This Sunday we finally got together to write a song, and my mind was blank. Thanks to Rebecca and Allie pulling out all the stuff God is doing in my life, a song appeared. We wrote a worship song! The exciting part is I acutally like it, no I love it. It's raw and real and still glorifies God. My other friend Allie, (yes I have two friends named Allie and they are best friends) thinks that it may not be congregational becuase it is personal.( she by the way thinks that is okay) So I started thinking about all the worship songs that we sing at church and think that some of the best ones are the personal type. What do you think? Do you think worship songs sung at church need to be congregational ( worship to God from the group) I really want to hear. Also maybe the song will be on here soon, hopefully.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Luke and Maya

Here are some new pictures of my nephew and niece. They are so cute!!!!!
Maya doesn't like the sun or the wind, so she has to wear her floppy hat and sunglasses when outside. Why this face, why not?


Okay, so tonight my favorite reality show is back! The Mole! I loved this show, a little sad Anderson Cooper is not hosting, but I will still be watching. If you love this show and are interested in watching together let me know! When it used to be on I used to watch with a group of friends and it was really fun! I love the Mole because it is a game and is very similar to Clue which is the only board game I really liked as a kid.