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Monday, June 05, 2006

Listen and Wait

The weather is beautiful out and the warm tempatures made me cut all my hair off. I feel free and sassy. Why is that a simple haricut can change your attitude? Change is good. Sometimes hard, but usually good in the long run. The cute haircut was an easy change, trying to figure out the next step in life for me on the other hand is not so easy. It's exciting, but at the same time if anyone knows me, they know I worry over everything, analyze everything. I know this of me so I am trying really hard not to make things bigger than what they are, but that is easier said then done.
So I am in a season of change is coming. It isn't quite here, well it kind of is. I have a new job for the last month, but I feel more change coming. It's good and it's time, but it's a little scary. So I am trying hard to listen to God, and not get my words and thoughts in the way of his. That is so easy to do. Listen and wait, that is where I am right now. Not the most fun, but I am sure it is that nasty phrase of "character building". Why can't we build character from playing? Oh well.

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