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Friday, October 06, 2006

Stupid ice breaker question that would be asked at a youth party

I was watching Grey's Anatomy last night cause it's my favorite show and there was this cute little girl who was in the er for all kinds of bad scrapes and bruises. Of course they think that her foster parents were abusing her, but that would be to obvious for such a great show like Grey's. It turns out the girl can't feel pain, she belives she has a super power and challenges kids to beat her up, and that's why she has so many injuries. Not feeling pain seems like a great super power but it almost kills her in the end. I feel pain every day, physical pain that is. I hate it and am as always wanting a way out, and when I heard that this was a real thing, where you can have a bad chromosone and not feel pain, I momentarily wished for it. But pain is only a way that our body tells us something is wrong, and without it well things could get ugly. It's good to remember that.
Anyway I wasn't trying to get deep here, so let's back up, if you could have any super power what would it be and why? There are so many to choose from, oh and you can be original too. I am not sure what I would pick. I tend to think that I would like to be like Violet from the Incredibles. It would be nice to be invisible when you want and the whole power field thing is super cool. Anyway what power would you want? and why?


Zena and Joshua said...

super swimming power.


sooo fun.


Jessica said...

that would be awesome if you could swim super fast and never get tired and not feel like jello afterward. plus side, you would never get eaten by a shark if swimming in the ocean. Nice

Anonymous said...

wow. that's weird how we were on the same wavelength.

i'm sorry that you are always in pain.

watching grey's right now, dvr.


i'd say something funnier but i'm feeling some pressure. can't deliver.

Anonymous said...

The best part of that episode was the window into the psyche of O'Malley who clearly believed (believes?) in the possibility of super powers.

I would like to be able to determine the core temperature of anything in Celcius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
This would relieve me of the need to buy a thermometer and stop poking pieces of meat on the grill to see if they are done and stop living under the misapprehension that it just needed 5 more minutes.

Anonymous said...

Love the question, I would definatly want to be able to be invisable! Just because you could be anywhere without people knowing, imagine the power in that!

Anonymous said...

i'd like to have time travel power. jim and jess you must of watced back to the future1000 times or more.I'd like to go back in time i'm not to sure about the future.Maybe 100 years from now would be cool.

Anonymous said...


I could be all religio-elitist and go with Solomon's answer, Wisdom. Wisdom is overrated when compared to my favorites like eating Mexican food without getting gas, never having to sneeze... not having to floss my teeth...

As a kid I often had dreams of being able to float. It wasn't really flying. It was like lifting off the ground and being weightless, like being able to trick gravity. I always thought that would be kind of cool.

I would like to be able to stop time. Lots of times I feel behind. Like the world spins faster for me than everyone else. It would nice to be able to pause things for a while.

Anonymous said...

For reference