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Thursday, July 26, 2012

me, myself, and I

My mom tells me that as soon as I learned to talk, I never stopped. I would talk to anyone and if no one listened I would talk to myself in the mirror. I soon created an imaginary friend named Sally and I talked to her often. It's funny how as a kid one of the first people I became friends with was myself. I guess then I grew up and learned that their was so many things wrong with myself. And that relationship became a love/hate relationship. I have been thinking the last few days how this happened. I know as a kid I was aware at a young age that being overweight set me apart from other kids and it was a bad thing. So then came the teenage years and I was always at war with myself and my body. I would be mad at myself for not sticking to any diet and I would be mad at my body for not fitting into size 6 jeans. And so it began,I began to not like myself. I think we all have been there, for different reasons of course. For the last 3 years I have had a daily headache and again I have been so mad at my body for turning on me. I also have been mad at myself for not being as strong as I would like. The last few months I have been giving myself a break. I have decided that I was going to stop picking on myself and try to befriend myself again like I did when I was 2. There are a lot of characteristics about myself I actually really like. I think I am funny, like really funny, I make myself laugh often. And I have a crazy weird creative mind that only I know, and I really like it. I also have learned that I am pretty compassionate and that when I tell someone I am going to pray for them, I do. I love those things about myself. I still annoy myelf, I can get moody and absent minded and forget things and it's annoying. So if you weren't you and you were just a random person would you be friends with yourself? I have been asking myself that, and I think it's a really good question. This week the answer is yes.

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