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Sunday, October 16, 2005


I was reminded this week of Sunday night services at church when I was growing up. They were always the same. There was a long worship time, where we sang praises to the Lord and then it was testimonial time. That is a time where people say all the great things God has done for them over the week. During this time people would thank the community for praying for them and tell how God worked. This service was mostly older people, older people who truly believed that God listened to prayer and that God answered prayer. They believed because they saw the fruits of their prayers every week, they were reminded by the stories every week. When I was thinking about this time, I wondered how my life and my view of God would change if I constantly thanked him for the things he is doing in my life. If I thanked the community that supports me and prays for me constantly. I know that I tend to think about how things could be better, and how God could fix things in my life, and sometimes I bypass the answered prayers.
So today I want to start with thanking God for my church and my new community. I moved to Nashville In Feb 2004, because I had given up on having a community of friends who beleived in me and supported me in Christ here in Michigan. I knew there was a great cummunity waiting for me there, so I went. When I was wrestling with the idea of moving back to Michigan I felt like I had to pick community or family. I prayed and cried and prayed some more. I ended up choosing family. But God was faithful to my obedience. I now have both an amazing family and community. I also have a long distance community in Nashville who are all still speaking in my life in amazing ways. I am truly blessed. It feels great to have found a home where my family is and where there are people who want to see Jesus working in me. Thank you Royal Oak Vinyard Church and the Mission Home Group. I love you all. Thank you to all my Nashville friends as well.
The next thing I am thankful for is God's patience. The last 5 years of my life have been very challenging. After my Papa died 2 years I kind of gave up on God. I had been working for years on trusting him with every aspect of my life. That was challenging in so many ways. When I moved to Nashville to take part of a school I had little knowledge of, that started the walk of faith, bling walk of faith that is. And things got harder when I had 3 surgeries that same year. It was hard to trust and know that God had a big plan for my life when I was in a back brace and laid up in bed for 6 months. But I saw his hand in my life. But when my grandpa died that shook me hard. It was like someone took the plank out of my feet that I was standing on. Slowly I have been giving a little here and a little there to God. But just this last week I felt like the Lord was saying "It's now time Jessica, I want it all." I am there too, I feel ready. I know that there are going to be more bumps in the road but anyone who can be that patient with me and and that gentle with me is worth giving it all over too. I am not sure what it "all" is at this point. But I have quite a few ideas, thanks to him. I am thankful that God is patient and so are so many of his people who have praying for this moment for me.
I am thankful for my amazing family too. I mentioned that I moved back from lovely Nashville to be with them. My parents are fun and warm and super great to me. They are two of my closest friends. They are the parents that other people want, and that is so cool, cause my parents love to adpot others into their family as well, officially and unofficially. :) I am so thankful that my brother and my sister-n- law moved back also. They are the greatest friends and brother and sister ever. We really love being with each other. And last but not least, I am thankful for my little sister who I would love to see more, but have a feeling that God is about to do something big for our relationship and her life. I am excited to see what that is.
So there it is. God is good.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful my friend, beautiful. I'm inspired to look more towards what God has done than on what I hope He will do. Your testimony has encouraged me. (Let's talk soon!)

Jessica said...

I can't wait to talk to you. I miss you so much. Oh and you are so right about letting God do what he wants instead of what we want. It's hard, but somehow maybe because he is God, he is always right, I am usually not right. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I think everything has been timed pretty well. I kind of view my living in Philadelphia and your living in Nashville as like our going away to college - where we learned how to be adults.

When we decided to move back I thought it would be good to be near family, but honestly I never really thought about it personally. Like thinking about each person. So it is amazing to me that I can have this awesome relationship with you, my sister.

A relationship where we can talk totally honestly about faith and dreams and that Borders discount!

2006 is going to be cool and you are gonna be an awesome Aunt.