
Voting Rating: 5 / 8 votes

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


something wild and a little untamed
yet sometimes timid
unsure of others
yet sure of you

always listening and always hearing
remembering and knowing
encouraging the differences
to be a part of me
not a hidden part of me

how did you become sure
confident in there being control
and you not having to
giving over all of you
all of the time

illness has quieted me
somewhere deep
yet you seem awake
alert and rested in him
I long for your strength
I seek the place you rest in


Anonymous said...


I am honored to become a part of your blog. That poem is very encouraging. I can't tell you I feel like that all the time, but you are seeing God through me. I can do nothing except through Christ who strengthens me, ya know. Thanks for the poem though, I love it.


Jessica said...

Trevor, I do see God in you! Know that God shines through you! It is amazing to me that you allow God to strenghen you all of the time! Thank you for encouraging me!