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Sunday, November 05, 2006

God is Speaking

I guess none of you hear from God, seeing no one replied to my last post. That is sad, so all of you will be in my prayers. Ha
Really God has been speaking to me! Yeah God! I think he speaks all the time I just don't always pay attention or don't give him credit. I think this week he has been using people to speak. Life yesterday I called my credit card company, and before I called I prayed cause I can get in a hizzy with them (credit card companies in general) at times, I feel like they are always trying to screw you over. But a few weeks ago while I was waiting at the dr's office I saw this episode of Oprah called "Women Around the World" of something to that effect. Lisa Ling did this section on women in India who work at credit card hotlines and have to work in the middle of the night because of the time change, and then they go home to their families to take care of them all day. I had this mind when I called, and the lady was super nice. I would be grouchy if I was working in the middle of the night and the had to go home to my house full of kids. Oohwee.
Oh and then I has this conversation with my Jehovah Witness boss about healing and she said that God doesn't heal anymore, something about how Jesus used healing in the Bible to show a transfer of power from the Jewish religion to Christianity, I guess we don't need his power anymore. I know I need his power so I am going to keep on believing in it. I also am going to keep pray for healing, even if I never do get healed I have faith that God can heal me. Oh the ways he speaks.
Anyway God is good, and I think if we choose to pay attention we can see that more often.


Anonymous said...

sorry you got no posts. i guess it was a daunting question. but i think i hear god most when i give him the most time to speak. meaning, when i slow down, let my mind clear out, focus and just let him speak to me. of course, there's also the bible and then a few people who'll always tell me what's up. that's how god typically speaks to me.

as far as the rest of your stuff, it sounds like you've had a great couple of days. you sound so up it's contagious.

Jessica said...

Thank you CLC for answering. I am finding the letting God speak really does work. I am trying hard to let him do that, sometimes though I am afraid of what he might say, like "Jessica pack up your bags and move to the jungles of Africa" or "Jessica stay where you are' both very daunting. Trust is a hard thing to learn.

Anonymous said...

I think God was saying to you, bake your brother many dessert items that are delicious to his palette.

Oh and I can confirm that word too... God* was telling me, "Eat of Jessica's delicious baked goods upon arrival."

*Note: that could have been my stomach

Jessica said...

Well that's silly Jim, God knows I don't have a kitchen right now.

Anonymous said...

You have no faith - no kitchen is no excuse. God will provide a kitchen for baked goods. Matter of fact, I am sensing a kitchen in Royal Oak that would be open!