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Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Years Resolutions are taboo...

and I usually don't make them since "the man" tells us to make them, and I am a little rebellious. But this year I am making some. I really need to get in shape and lose some weight. I have been just about to start Yoga for like 5 months. I bought a DVD player for the sole reason of doing Yoga. I have turned on my DVD player once and it was to watch Emma and not do Yoga. So Yoga is number 1 on the list. Also, I used to be really good at mailing letters to friends. I am so bad at this. I bought my friend Deanna's daughter the cutest outfit that I never sent and that she has already outgrown, sorry De. I mean that is pitiful. I used to write these beautiful letter and send the cutest cards, I mean who doesn't like mail, the real mail that comes written on paper by hand. My third and final resolution is to read my Bible more. I have to say that I am getting better at this, but there is always room to grow.
I think resolutions are good if they are productive. I mean resolutions are really just goals and everyone needs goals.
So what are your resolutions?

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