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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This Quarter

This Quarter of school has been rough. I was pretty sick mid-way through and missed the midterm. I went on vacation right before the mid-term so I'm not sure if I would of done super great anyway. Also the subject matter we have been studying has been pretty dense. The Pauline letters and the life of Paul and all that involves.
Last night we were studying The Law. Good times. It sometimes makes me scratch my head in wonderment that people spend there whole lives trying to figure out how to interpret one specific part of scripture and what it all means. I mean I think this is good but there comes a time where you have to just trust God that he is leading and revealing his direcetion correctly. I mean we have to study the word, but I think the Holy Spirit is there to give us direction. Sometimes in theological study, it feels like we are studying old dead words, and I have to remind myseld that Jesus is alive and so is his word!

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