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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hey Ya'all!

My brother is in this really cool beard growing contest. He takes pictures of his beard growth daily. Check out the excitement.
Whiskerino 2005 : Detail :
Jim Renaud
The People who head this up are down in my second home of Nashville, TN. So they are having there finale party there. God willing Jim and I will be heading down there so he can celebrate with his fellow beard growers their beard growing accomplishments.
For me, I am hoping to get some biscuits from Loveless Cafe, and to see all my wonderful friends. So wonderful Nashville friends, pencil me in the last weekend of Febuary!


Zena and Joshua said...


i didn't know you had a blog! and i thought i knew it all...

anyway, i'm enjoying reading your posts. see you soon.


Jessica said...

Yeah, I now have 3 readers! I have had this thing for over a year, but it's kind of underground, or under net I guess. It's kind of like a real journal, in that I write all that is going on and few people read it. But I am excited to add you to reading list!!! Yeah for me!

Anonymous said...

Jess, I hope you and Jim can come down for the Wiskerino Finale. I tried to get ABC to air the big event, but they said thats too much reality TV even for them.


Jessica said...

You should try FOX, they'll just about air anything realityish.