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Thursday, January 19, 2006


My friend Zena(naptime) tagged me on her blog to list my top 5 guilty pleasure. There are so many to choose from, ahh!

1. cigarettes (I like one from time to time, especially Christmas time working in retail)
2. Degrassi the Next Generation ( I know it's a show for 13 year olds, but I miss the first one, and I am sucker for cheesy Canadian teen shows)
3. Bon Jovi (the old stuff, can't really get into the new album)
4. Dancing ( no, not ballet or something pretty, I like to get down on it, get my freak on)
5. Kung Foo Movies, the cheesier the better, I love a Jackie Chan marathon, I will watch just about any Kung Foo movie.

Now, if you have a blog your it! Or you can comment on mine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love bonjovi old new whatever!