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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Single hearted Valentine

You know I think as a single person I celebrated Valentines Day more than my married and hooked up friends. I think as a single girl you don't want to feel left out of a holiday for lovers so you go out of your way and find all your other single friends and make a pact not to be alone and to do something fun and different. The people who are in love don't need to go out their way because love is enough. Maybe that's just how I perceive it anyway.
This year I decided that I didn't need to go out of my way either. I offered to babysit for my cousin and her husband so they could have the night out and I spent Valentines with my biggest fan, the person outside of my immediate family who loves me the most, yeah she's 2 1/2 but she thinks I am a rock star or something and that always feels good.
A holiday based around love seems like it should be more important than it is and be about than romance but what true love is, like serving one another and being patient and kind. I know we should be doing that stuff everyday but a day to got out of your way is always good.
So happy Valentines Day from one very loved single hearted girl!


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really nice way to spend Valentine's day. This year Jim and I just got middle eastern carryout and watched Marie Antoinette while snuggling in bed. It was a really nice low key night. Oh, and I also got the new high score (214) and attained pro status in Wii Bowling.

Anonymous said...

“Today we celebrate the day that Saint Valentine went to battle against the Gorgolans 1500 years ago. He was covered in blood and ate over 1,000 men’s
hearts in that battle. The hearts gave him his strength to tear the head from the great beast that the Burokians were sacrificing young girls to every week. He liberated the people and from then on, Valentine’s day as we call it today has been one of symbolic heart eating, to give us strength and remember we no longer have to slit the throats of young virgins on the stone of the great beast anymore.”

Jessica said...

So you see Valentine's day is really for young single women after all! Eating hearts huh? Delicious!