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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bitter Cold

It's like 6 degrees here and it's bitter cold out. I think every year I say "I don't remember it being this cold" and every year I complain about how long the winters are here in Michigan. You would think I would get used to it, but instead I block it out and forget how bitter cold it really is. I have some friends who think it's so pretty here in the winter with the snow and the lakes and all that, it's nice for like 2 days.
Anyway the new job is going well. I wasn't sure if I would like it, listening to people complain on the phone all day, but so far I do like it. The day goes by really fast and some of the time I feel like I am helping someone out.
I have been dog sitting for the last two weeks while my parents lay on the beach in sunny Florida and then call and tell me how it was only 84 degrees out today. Poor Bubba pulled a muscle in one of his legs and is limping and crying. It's really sad. I took hime to the vet today, I felt like an adult. It's weird what things make you feel all grown up.
Yesterday Christie had a girls craft night. I love those nights. We decoupaged last night. It was fun. I made two cool cards and if you ever want someone to lead a craft night call Christie because she is really good at it.
Well that sums up the last few weeks, oh except I had my annual pizza party. This year it fell on my brother' birthday so we joined the two. It was a lot of fun, I think we had our best turn out yet.

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