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Thursday, May 29, 2008


I had this dream the other day (yes I have a lot of dreams)and I can't get it out of my mind. In the dream it was a long hot season and I hate the heat, I mean hate! I am rarely ever cold but always warm, I am hot blooded. (And I am glad that I got the song in your mind) Back to my dream, I am wanting a swimming pool so that I can have moments of relief from the heat and I really enjoy swimming but I can't afford a pool and my backyard is not set up for a pool due to weird wires (which is actually true) and I am praying for relief, and I look over to my neighbor and they are digging a huge hole in their ground. I walk over to my neighbor and I ask "what's going on with the big hole?" My neighbor answers, "we are building a pool." And I answer, "wow, I thought that you couldn't afford a new pool" and the neighbor says "we can't but we can't handle heat so we decided to build a pool" And I leave upset that they didn't invite me to share the pool and that they get relief and I don't. But I decide to keep praying and wait it out. The next day I wake up and look over to the neighbors house and they are almost done with the pool, but the workers have all stopped digging and are sitting there starring out into the distance and I walk over and look and it is the most amazing picture ever, I see a blue ocean surronded by beautiful snow covered mountains and beautiful flowers surronding the ocean. It was amazing and beautiful and right in my backyard. I know, wow right? I am going to be super honest here, there are so many things I want for my life that I feel like I have been praying forever for and I keep being told to wait, and it's getting hard seeing others around me either getting or taking what they desperatly want or need. But then I have this dream and I am reminded that what I can give myself is nowhere near what God has in store for me and that He sees me, and he knows that I am waiting. I love the part in my dream that my gift from God can be enjoyed by others too, my neighbors can enjoy the ocean and mountains. I feel this is true for the gifts God gives. I am praying that I will be able to hold tight to the things he has for me and I pray this for all my friends that I see who are desperatly needing something from the Lord.

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