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Friday, May 09, 2008

Looking to Hannah

"The LORD brings death and makes alive;
he brings down to the grave and raises up."

My life given over to him
the passions and joy
love and sorrow
he restores my soul
listens to my cries
holds me close
and gives new life

she returned the gift
sacrificed with a joyful heart
knew his plan was better
layed down her hope
rejoiced in giving the love of her life
to him

wanting, seeking, needing to be like Hannah


Reba said...

I forgot to give you my most recent poem the other night. I'll post it here. I called it "Fragrant Worship"

Oil Flows
Mingles with the blood
His head glistens
As my eyes
His heart open to mine
Time stops
Words become useless
Next to the fulfillment of my soul

Jessica said...

Reba, I love it! I love the part about "words become useless meaningless" I feel that often during worship and prayer.