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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Switched ON

Are there ever moments in your life when you feel like you're switched on? Like you are fully you and confident with that person and love being you? Well I think that is one of the reasons why I love Nashville. I have great friends there, and this time I made more great friends. It's so weird but when I was there this time I was fun and all the junk I have been carrying was gone. I was me, funny, loveable, a little sarcastic and raw, me. I felt hopeful and happy. It was so nice. I was a little afraid of coming home, like all the junk would just re-attach itself to me. The junk is trying to jump on board, all the hard responsibilities of life like illness, bills, new job, and so forth. But I am feeling grace. Steady grace. I am not freaking out, I am doing okay. I don't know if I am totally on, but I am at least awake. God is good.
Oh and I saw a really good movie this weekend, Curse of the Golden Flower. It's a Chinese movie with amazing cinematography and a really interesting but true storyline. I hate paying $9 for a movie, and don't think any movie is worth $9, but if you are wanting to go to the movies and are going to spend the $9 see this one, mostly becaue seeing it on the big screne will heighten the experience, and show off how beautiful this movie is.

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