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Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Back

Well it's been a while since I posted. Christmas was very nice, it was my first Christmas as an Aunt and that was a lot of fun. Maya got lots of sweet kisses from me. After Christmas I went to Nashville for one of my dearest friends weddings. I stood up in it and wore a pretty red dress, I felt like a southern belle. I will have to post pics as soon as I have them. My Nashville trip was non stop, exhausting and super fun. I have some really good stories like how I almost cut my toe of getting a pedicure, oh and hillbillie Christians that live in the woods party a lot different that us city slickers, fun times though. It was a great trip, I made new friends and got to love on my old ones. It was hard coming home.
Oh I started a new job yesterday, more news on that too follow as well. I have to go study and am exhausted from the crazy week, but there will be another post soon, promise.


Anonymous said...

new job? do tell.

Jessica said...

CLC, I got a job at Perot Systems, which is owned by Mr. Ross Perot, he started it when he sold EDS, I will be working in the call center for Volkswagon, I am in training now and it is a lot to learn, more than I thought. But it has a lot of really nice benefits including tuition reimbursment, yeah!