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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ready, Set, Go

Sunday was like running a marathon, although I have never ran in a marathon so I am not really sure it was like running in a marathon, but it took a lot of endurance and is what I would imagine running in a marathon might be like. I started the morning walking 5k in the AIDS WALK DETROIT which isn't far, but for me it's a workout. Then my church hosted a BBQ which I organized so I was trying to help everyone there and clean up. After the BBQ I started my first day of class at VLI. It was just orientation, so I don't have much profound to say about it yet. After class I went home made dinner and watched the Emmys. Yes I watched all of it. I am a sucker. It was a long day.

I spent a lot of time organzing a team and a BBQ for the AIDS WALK. I was expecting a lot and was let down. I shouldn't of been, because a lot of great things happened. People walked for a great cause and 9 great people from my church joined the walk. We had a great BBQ and some people from the walk came and we got to talk to them and share a chili dog. I am realizing I have great expectations for the church. Not just my church, but the church in general. I want them to care about the same things I care about, I want them to be passionate about the same things I am passionate about and when that doesn't happen, I get really bumbed and start thinking critically. I want the church to do great things, I want us to step up to the plate and create community in places that aren't so pretty or maybe are uncomfortable. I want these things and I know I need to start with me. I know that I need to start with my heart and well there is a lot of room for growth. I want to be courageous and generous at the same time. I am praying for that.

That is week one, and I know it has nothing to do with class or anything that I read but it is what I am processing now.

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