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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Party over here!

I love to throw a party, always have and always will. When I was a kid I used to throw neighborhood parties all the time with Koolaid and popcorn and we would rollerskate in Karen DeCooks basement. Yes, I threw parties that were at other peoples houses. You need one person to plan things or it's all talk and no play. Last night I had a movie night. Okay so I was hoping to watch 3 movies. I had it all planned, Christopher Guest night. We started with Waiting for Guffman, one of my all time favorite movies. It is so funny, I laugh like crazy everytime I see it, and it's been like 20 times. Oh, I could do a post of quotes but that would only be entertaining to me and like 5 other people, which actually may be more than the amount of people who actually read this, hmm. Anyway, we then watched For Your Consideration, and half the people fell asleep. So we only made it through two movies again! But it's only January. I think the next movie night, will start at 4 pm and we will call it Movie day or something. But I had a good turn out and lots of goodies and fun times. If you are interesting in coming to a movie event which consist of 3 movies, even though we have not made it through 3 yet, let me know. Any suggestions for the next trilogy?

In other news, my brother and sister-n-law and niece are back from Florida, and I am so happy. I know they want to go back to the 85 degrees. I mean coming home to 8 degrees cannot be fun. But I missed them a lot. I start back in school on Tue. I think we are studying the Pauline letters and church planting. Fun times.

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