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Monday, April 14, 2008

Dreams of Prophets

I started reading Ezekial last week and it is amazing. Ezekial has a dream (I have a feeling C.S. Lewis got some of his ideas for the creatures of Narnia from this dream) where 4 creatures come out of a fire ball, each creature has four faces and four wings, hoofed feet and the four faces were one of a human, lion, ox and eagle. The creatures have tongues of fire and a wheel of diamonds echo every move they make. Then comes a throne surronded by fire and the voice of God calls to Ezekial. The voice of God calls Ezekial to speak to the Israelites while they are captive in Babylon.

I have read the Bible straight through for school years ago but because it was for school I am not sure I really was focused on everything except for the questions I needed to know for the test. This time as I was reading I was blown away by this vision. I have had dreams of 4 headed animals since I read it last week. Seriously. Last night I had this dream that I was dreaming Ezekials dream and that we were dreaming at the same time and when I awoke (in the dream) I didn't hear the voice of God before I awoke but I felt his presence. I woke this morning wondering what God was saying to me. I am reading the rest of Ezekial as if there is a message in there for me. It's all so exciting and a bit scary. If you have any dream translations, bring them on!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica,
I stumbled across your site when checking out Ezekial dreams on Google.
I'd love to read more details about your,did you have any independent 'visions', from Ezekial or were you both always experiencing the same thing?

I ask because I had something happen regarding him that was so enormous and intense, I had to see a priest.To say it was a dream would be an understatement!

I've enjoyed reading yours and Jons thoughts and honest revelations about yourselves.
Funny but articulate and eloquent.

Hope to hear from you

Jessica said...

Anon, In my dream, I was dreaming the same things Ezekial dreamed at the same time but I was dreaming it. If that makes any sense. It's all starting to make sense to me and I can explain this to you. My email is