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Friday, April 18, 2008

God loves Oprah!

I am not sure why so many Christians hate or shall I say extremely dislike Oprah. It seems like a lot of people feel threatened by her. I know that a lot of her beliefs are not Bibical, but why is that suprising? I think it may confuse people that she says she is a Christian but then she supports new age ideas. That is not that new though either. Oprah has a lot of influence on people and I think that is the threatening part. I understand that people are concerned that she is like a wolf in sheeps clothing and that she says she is a Christian and that she gives a lot to good causes but then she tells people to read new age stuff. But here is the thing, as Christians if we did our part by living lives that support what we say we believe than it wouldn't matter what Oprah said.
I don't mind Oprah at all. She keeps me on my toes and challenges me to back up my words with actions. I try not to let Oprah beat me out in giving (you can give without always giving money) or being kind. Of course giving and being kind doesn't make you a Christian, but it sure does make people ask questions. It comes down to I trust God for everything, so I can trust enough to give to others when possible, and I can trust that God is bigger than Oprah.


Zena and Joshua said...

well put.

there is a serious oprah backlash going on at the moment. good reminder.


Anonymous said...

I'm exhausted with all the anger that Christians have when it comes to people who think differently than them. They are angry with each other's doctrine and angry with non-believers who don't follow doctrine at all. Constant judgment. Seriously, I just read someone else's blog that trashes an author who wrote a novel with some unorthodox ideas - but ideas worth discussing nontheless. I just want to scream "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!" :)
Someone actually told me recently that "Oprah scares them." Why are we threatened by someone with a voice and a passion to help people. None of us have it all figured out - none of us are even close. I truly believe God is at work in Oprah's life, just like he is with ALL of us. I am not afraid of her and I actually do pray for her. I am thankful that she is showing a generation of people how to live generously. Okay - stepping off my soapbox to grab a little lunch.

Love ya, Jess. Andrea