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Saturday, October 06, 2007

Holy Obedience

I have been reading A Testament of Devotion: Books: Thomas R. Kelly and at first I had a hard time with some of the ideas. And then I got to the chapter about obedience. Fun stuff. Not really, but it all made so much sense at that point. Kelly talks about getting to this point where you are constinetly in the presence of God. I thought that was impossible, and then I started reading about obedience. Kelly says "But when such a commitment comes in a human life, God breaks through, miracles are wrought, world-renewing divine forces are released, history changes." I believe this. I believe if we were all to be commited to being obedient miracles would happen and people would come to Christ and history would change. It's a huge thing to be obedient, it's really hard because I am so selfish, but I want to listen and be at that place where I let God speak to me all the time and better yet I obey. I am starting small, as Bob says in What about Bob (the best movie ever) Baby Steps. We all have to start somewhere. But I want to see how being obedient can change the world. I think God wants to use us for amazing things, and we want the ordinary. Probablly because it's safe and easy. I am praying for God to make me ready for the amazing.

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