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Monday, October 29, 2007

Discipline is infectious?

So yesterday I had to write a 4 paragraph essay on what a simplified life means and how what I have learned about simplification has challenged me. My whole year has been about simplification. Really the Lord has been speaking to me major about this. I realized a while ago that I always thought it was important to have nice things, even if I never said that I felt that way, I did. So I have been working on my attitude and what it means to simplify. So I carry around this list of 10 ways to simplify or something like that by Richard Foster and I read them often.
Today this guy at work was talking and I was on the phone so I only heard the end of his conversation about how he is trying to simplify his life by making his yes mean yes and no mean no. And how we need to simplify our language. Oh my goodness, that is what Foster says! Me so giddy, says I just wrote a paper on that yesterday. I am working on the same things. I carry this list around, do you want to read it? My friend says sure and I hand it to him and his jaw drops. "I was just looking on the internet for this and told Jim (the guy sitting next to him) that my pastor spoke on this and I need to find it. I couldn't find it." "Really?" I say. Our friend Elya says I want that list too, it sounds good. Before you know it we were all discussing what it means to simplify our lives to make room for the Lord. What? I work with a brand new Christian, a Jewish guy and a leary Catholic. God moves in mysterious ways, and who would thought it would be by giving up stuff and living a more simple life. We had about 20 minutes of confession and all decided we wanted to work on some of these things. WOW!

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