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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Study Day

So yesterday felt like I was back in school again. Rebecca who is my dear friend and is in the program with me came over and we spent the entire day except for a Target run studying. It was good. I didn't hate it. That's a lot for me. I was never much into school and homework. It was so much better to have a study partner.

This place where I am at in my life is making me process things a little more deeply, hence the last poem. You may be seeing more of things like that. I process a lot through writing and coversation, so why not process through blogging. It's good though. I feel like the Lord is revealing things. It's hard too, not sure sometimes what to do with it all, except pray. I am not sure why we say except pray, becuase it should be first and not a last resort, but as a doer who wants to fix things, praying seems to take time. There is a lot of waiting and listening before answers are shown and well I'm American and I like answers in 5 minutes. Wow, not sure where all that came from, probably lack of sleep.

1 comment:

Reba said...

It was a joy to spend the day studying with you. It made it much easier and fun!